Friday, March 27, 2009

Chpt. 17

"I know because Aisha wouldn't give her speech unless I sat with the graduates."-pg 149

When I read this, i felt a little sad. It seems like Aisha can't live without Nadira anymore. She can't do anything by herself anymore. She depends on Nadira, unlike before, when she stood up by herself. She can't do that anymore.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chapter 16

"But sometimes there's someone else, especially when the sky goes dark: the person guiding slowly form behind. That's who I've become in my family."-137

At first, I think that Nadira was a little ashamed that she was the slow and steady one in the back, but now she understands that, it is important for every family to have a steady one guiding the family along. Until she showed up at the hearing, she was just the slow one, but now she is the slow and steady one. She understands the importance of the steadiness, and takes pride in it.

Chapter 15

"I didn't save Abba. Or maybe I did, in a small way. I made them stop and see me-see us. Take a second look. Ma sat beside me in her proud purple coat, and I spoke."-136

I think she means "see me" in two ways. I think that the officials saw her, and her parents saw her. They saw, that she was capable, that she was just as smart as her sister, just in a different way. I feel like Nadira is really proud of what she did, I think that now she has more confidence in herself, and wants to tell Aisha so much about what she did. But i think that once Nadira tells Aisha, she probably won't react the way Nadira wants, and she will be dissapointed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chpt 13-14

"'I changed my mind," I tell Tareq when he comes looking for me. 'I don't want to give them Abba's money.'
'What are you talking about?'
'I can't do it." My knees are trembling. I can barely stand. A sour taste bubbles into my mouth. I back out of the hall through the front door."-123

I really liked this quote, because Nadira wants to help her father, and she almost uses her Dad's money. But she knows that he worked hard for it and that Aisha would not be able to go to college. If she used the money she would be letting everyone down.But instead she comes to her senses, and changes her mind.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chapter 12

"I take the bag and stand there for a few more minutes while Aisha hurries up the steps and goes inside. Her flares open as she grabs the heavy door and swings it open. Then she's dissapeared. It makes me a little sad watching her-like she's already gone from us."-105

When she says, "like she's already gone from us." it means a couple things for me. One is that Aisha seems to be slowly slipping away, with her spirit, and the fire that used to glow in her. Also She doesn't seem to care as much about college just because she can't get in. But i think that Nadira meant that Aisha seems to have already gone to college, she's gone in the physical sense, not the mental sense. Also i have this feeling that Aisha isn't actually going to attend the interview.

Chapter 11

"for an instant Aisha's eyes flash, and I'm sure she's going to say something mean, put me down. Instead she laughs and picks up the rest of her bun.'There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to grab it.'"-89

I liked this quote because it lets Nadira know that Aisha wasn't trying to take up all of the space, but when it was there she took advantage of it, to show her parents how good and smart she was.

Chapter 10

"After the apartment is quiet again, I realize the thud-thudding noise hasn't gone away. It's my own heart, beating fast in my chest."-87

This quote shows how scared Nadira is. I think that all these things are happening to them, and they don't know what to do. First their own dad gets arrested, then uncle. I think that Aisha exploding, and thinking that Uncle going to jail was her fault was a beginning to a road of her crumbling.