Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chapt 7-8

"'You can't do that!' I yell. 'You can't just run off. Or tell Mr. Rashid the first thing that comes into your head!' Then I notice that Aisha is trembling. Her backpack slides off her arm, and she slouches to the ground, right next to the Zaro's Bread barrel full of Snapple bottle banked in ice. Her eyes are glassy, far-off. I crouch down next to her. 'Aisha, Whats wrong?'
"I'm scared," she whispers. 'I'm scared for Abba.'"-chpt 8,pg-66

I loved this quote, for many reasons. Finally Aisha is admitting that under all of her perfectness she is actually scared for what might happen to Abba. Also starting in chapter 7 the two started to work together, with out fighting,which I liked. They have realized that they have to stick together, because they are all they have.Also Nadira's compassion towards Aisha when she crumples in front of the barrel made me think. I think that this is a turning point in the book, and now I'm a little more interested.


  1. Yeah, I like this quote too. It's what we've been waiting for. Aisha's finally confessing her feelings. It's nice to finally see her confessing to Nadira. Nice quote choice. :)

  2. I agree with Shino’s blog. I think that Nadira was very compassionate to Aisha when she was having a really hard time, and I think that it made a difference in their relationship. Aisha was finally brave enough to tell Nadira she was scared, and that shows strength. I was really glad that the two sisters are finally going to be honest and kind to each other. This isn’t the time in their life that fighting is necessary. They really just need to team up and figure out a way to get their family out of harm’s way, which is hopefully going to happen!

  3. Each time Nadira contradicted Aisha about her idea(s) of what was going to happen I expected this to happen so when it actually did I felt that Aisha still didn't let out her full nonperfectness. (I can't write that properly but hopefully you catch my drift. :D)
    My prediction is that Nadira will most definitely starting filling Aisha's role of being the tough/strong sister/leader but it will happen very slowly. She will also need the help of someone else or something that happens.

    I like how Anna calls Aisha "brave" for finally telling Nadira that she is scared. Nadira may have to grow her self-esteem and etc., but Aisha needs to also become more trusting of her younger sister and be willing to step down at times.

  4. Even though there were signs of this before, I think that Aisha breakdown was very sudden and unexpected. One minute she was acting like she could fix everything and that everything would be fine, and the next she was slumped on the ground, trembling. I thought that this was a big step for Aisha opening up to Nadira. She's finally brave enough to tell Nadira how she actually feels, about being scared for Abba and what will happen to them.

  5. I agree with maddie, the breakdown was sudden. I think should have come out before so that Nadira and Aisha could be helping each other instead of fighting. Now it seems Nadira and Aisha are on the same side and are going to work together. I was happy to read how much Nadira cared for her sister.

  6. When I read this in the book, I thought about how Aisha always puts up this tough veneer, and how she is always the strong one, and the one that kind of keeps her family going. I think that if she was the main character in this book, we would be more sympathetic to her. I think that she thought that she had to be strong after this happened because Nadira would fall apart and become lost if she wasn't. I think that all of her emotions piled up inside of her and finally just had to come out. And I think that now she has done that, she and Nadira can work on getting over it together.

  7. like shino i really like this quote too. it seems like the sisters just connected and started to truly get along at this point in the book. i thought that it was really nice of nadira to bend down and talk to aisha one on one. when aisha broke down, nadira took the big caring sister role. also i think that it was really great of aisha to let her true emotions out. its ok not to be perfect 24/7.

  8. I like this quote too. Aisha was finally broken down and could say that she was scared. I also like what Anna said about Aisha being "brave" and saying she's scared. Nadira had a chance to see Aisha in a place that she would normally hide from her younger sister.
    I agree with what Maddie said about Aisha's breakdown being very sudden and unexpected. She just felt like she had done as much as she could with Mr. Rashid and gave in. I would be scared too if my father were in the same circumstances as Abba, but I'm sure most people would. I hope the girls can get through their worries and work together to get to their goal.

  9. Aisha always accuses Nadira of not fighting. I think that it is hard for Nadira to stand up for herself when she is shadowed by Aisha. In this quote it shows that she is finally going to make a difference. She is going to help Aisha back on her feet, but she is also going to pull herself up.

  10. I really like this quote. I agree with practically all of you. This breakdown was quick, and you never really see this side of Aisha. As shino said, her "perfectness" was not shown now because of her breakdown.
    This quote really shows Nadira how hard it is for her to be perfect all of the time. Nadira knows that Aisha really tries hard, but what she never sees is her not be perfect, or the opposite when she really feels upset. I think it was good that Aisha had her breakdown next to Nadira because Nadira really knows now how hard she tries, and can maybe make herself try harder.

  11. I agree with Shino too, after all this time of perfecting her image around everyone, Aisha has realized it is much harder than she thought. She has learned that she must work with her sister and she had started learning that she must learn to work with herself. As in, expressing her feelings like she did then. She concentrated on not only her feelings but Abba's and what it must be like for him to be there. I agree that I think that this will be a turning point in the book so that Nadira really takes control and tries to help fix what has happened in her family, including bringing Aisha closer to them instead of trying to wander off and be what she defines as 'cool'.

  12. Nadira and Aisha actually starting to team up does add a bit of interest. How long will their new friendliness last?(dan told us to comment on other class's blogs)

  13. Nadira and Aisha starting to actually get together is a pretty weird thought, but a in a good way. These girls really need to start teaming up if they are going to get through this hard time. Great diablog Shino! (:D))))))
