Friday, March 27, 2009

Chpt. 17

"I know because Aisha wouldn't give her speech unless I sat with the graduates."-pg 149

When I read this, i felt a little sad. It seems like Aisha can't live without Nadira anymore. She can't do anything by herself anymore. She depends on Nadira, unlike before, when she stood up by herself. She can't do that anymore.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chapter 16

"But sometimes there's someone else, especially when the sky goes dark: the person guiding slowly form behind. That's who I've become in my family."-137

At first, I think that Nadira was a little ashamed that she was the slow and steady one in the back, but now she understands that, it is important for every family to have a steady one guiding the family along. Until she showed up at the hearing, she was just the slow one, but now she is the slow and steady one. She understands the importance of the steadiness, and takes pride in it.

Chapter 15

"I didn't save Abba. Or maybe I did, in a small way. I made them stop and see me-see us. Take a second look. Ma sat beside me in her proud purple coat, and I spoke."-136

I think she means "see me" in two ways. I think that the officials saw her, and her parents saw her. They saw, that she was capable, that she was just as smart as her sister, just in a different way. I feel like Nadira is really proud of what she did, I think that now she has more confidence in herself, and wants to tell Aisha so much about what she did. But i think that once Nadira tells Aisha, she probably won't react the way Nadira wants, and she will be dissapointed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chpt 13-14

"'I changed my mind," I tell Tareq when he comes looking for me. 'I don't want to give them Abba's money.'
'What are you talking about?'
'I can't do it." My knees are trembling. I can barely stand. A sour taste bubbles into my mouth. I back out of the hall through the front door."-123

I really liked this quote, because Nadira wants to help her father, and she almost uses her Dad's money. But she knows that he worked hard for it and that Aisha would not be able to go to college. If she used the money she would be letting everyone down.But instead she comes to her senses, and changes her mind.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chapter 12

"I take the bag and stand there for a few more minutes while Aisha hurries up the steps and goes inside. Her flares open as she grabs the heavy door and swings it open. Then she's dissapeared. It makes me a little sad watching her-like she's already gone from us."-105

When she says, "like she's already gone from us." it means a couple things for me. One is that Aisha seems to be slowly slipping away, with her spirit, and the fire that used to glow in her. Also She doesn't seem to care as much about college just because she can't get in. But i think that Nadira meant that Aisha seems to have already gone to college, she's gone in the physical sense, not the mental sense. Also i have this feeling that Aisha isn't actually going to attend the interview.

Chapter 11

"for an instant Aisha's eyes flash, and I'm sure she's going to say something mean, put me down. Instead she laughs and picks up the rest of her bun.'There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to grab it.'"-89

I liked this quote because it lets Nadira know that Aisha wasn't trying to take up all of the space, but when it was there she took advantage of it, to show her parents how good and smart she was.

Chapter 10

"After the apartment is quiet again, I realize the thud-thudding noise hasn't gone away. It's my own heart, beating fast in my chest."-87

This quote shows how scared Nadira is. I think that all these things are happening to them, and they don't know what to do. First their own dad gets arrested, then uncle. I think that Aisha exploding, and thinking that Uncle going to jail was her fault was a beginning to a road of her crumbling.

chapter 9

"And if i say something good, then it is like watching my own garden grow, and it is the greatest pleasure ever. That's what Aisha and I are doing. We're planting a garden with our words. Our future. Everything careful and chosen well so the shoots come up strong and straight."

I know a lot of people chose this quote, and like they all said, I can picture this garden of words. Not only does this conjure up an image of a garden of words, it also makes me think of Aisha and Nadira's relationship. At first it was a patch of dirt, but it is starting to sprout, and flower. I think that this is passage is supposed to conjure many ideas for the reader.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chapt 7-8

"'You can't do that!' I yell. 'You can't just run off. Or tell Mr. Rashid the first thing that comes into your head!' Then I notice that Aisha is trembling. Her backpack slides off her arm, and she slouches to the ground, right next to the Zaro's Bread barrel full of Snapple bottle banked in ice. Her eyes are glassy, far-off. I crouch down next to her. 'Aisha, Whats wrong?'
"I'm scared," she whispers. 'I'm scared for Abba.'"-chpt 8,pg-66

I loved this quote, for many reasons. Finally Aisha is admitting that under all of her perfectness she is actually scared for what might happen to Abba. Also starting in chapter 7 the two started to work together, with out fighting,which I liked. They have realized that they have to stick together, because they are all they have.Also Nadira's compassion towards Aisha when she crumples in front of the barrel made me think. I think that this is a turning point in the book, and now I'm a little more interested.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter 5

"I press my hands to my ears and try to concentrate on my geometry homework. The figures jerk like dangling sticks on the page. I wish I could be like Aisha and just focus. Or Taslima, talking back. But that's not me. I like staying quiet and still, taking in the words of the grown-ups."-pg 40-41

I thought that the part where she says, "I wish I could be like Aisha and just focus. Or Taslima, talking back." was interesting because all this time, Nadira has been hinting, at the fact that she is jealous of Aisha, but she never outwardly says it. Now she's saying that she's jealous of Aisha and Taslima. I think that maybe she is finally admitting to herself that she is actually jealous of her sister.Tell me what you think.

Chapter 5

"We're not the only illegals at our school. We're everywhere.You just have to look. A lot of the kids here were born elsewhere-Korea,China, India, the Dominican Republic. You can't tell which ones aren't legal. We try to get lost in the landscape of backpacks and book reports. To find us you have to pick up the signals.It might be in class when a teacher asks a personal question, and a kid gets a funny ,pinches look in his eyes. Or some girl doesn't want to give her address to the counselor. We all agree not to notice."-29

I thought that it was really interesting how Nadira refers to all of the illegals as "We." It's as if they are a little club. They know the signals, and they can figure out who is illegal and who isn't.What puzzles me though is that she says that she doesn't know who is illegal and who is legal, but obviously she does. She says how they can pick up the signals and all, but then before that Nadira says that she doesn't know who is illegal and who isn't. What do you think?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Talliya's Quote

I think that Talliya's quote was very interesting, and it stood out for me too. It seems to me, that this family hides a lot from each other, from their friends, and from the government. They live their lives in secret, and because of that they probably don't get to be good friends with people. They don't want to get too comfortable with their friends, thinking that if they got too close, they would start to confide in each other, and the friend would adventually pry it out of them. I also agree, that it would be extremely hard in some ways, but for them their life depends on the fact that no one knows about who they actually are, so in that respect its actually not that hard.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Not so Easy is it?

"I know things about my family that no one else does. Like about Aisha. I know how hard she works at who she is. Everyone sees her in class, smoothly flipping her hair back from her shoulders before she answers a question. Or sitting on a stage with her answers with her hands folded in her lap,chin tipped up, feet tucked beneath her, calmly leasing the debate team. Like nothing could shake her up. I know better."
I like this quote, because it shows that Aisha isn't actually "perfect." She has to work towards who she is, and that she has her weak spots like everyone else. I think that this is a self esteem booster for Nadira because she needs to know that she has a chance.